Updated: The History of Science Fiction Literature

As part of the complete overhaul of this website, I just finished updating my essay on The History of Science Fiction Literature. Learn what science fiction is, explore the past of this massive genre, and speculate on where it’s going from here.

A short excerpt from the essay:

Exploring all that is encompassed by the name science fiction can be a daunting proposition. Like daring explorers setting out to discover uncharted worlds, this essay takes the first steps into the beyond by first delving into the past. After all, they say you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.

Read the full essay here!

New Article: From Protagonist to Antagonist

From protagonists to side characters and from heroes to villains, we often think of our characters in terms of the roles they play in the story. There is much terminology used for various roles, often with overlapping meanings, and this might seem daunting to a new student of literature or an aspiring author. An example of this would be the aforementioned protagonist and hero, which on the surface seem synonymous, but are actually denoting two very unique roles in a story that—while they often are merged—are not mutually inclusive.

In this article, we will first explore the historical origins of some familiar and some less common terms from the traditions of Greek drama, then move on to comparing them to modern cinematic and literary terminology. After this, we will explore the different roles characters play in storytelling apart from their prominence in the story. While many of the terms we will be addressing draw from stage and screen, they apply equally to literary theory.

Read the full article here

The Ravencrest Chronicles: Wave two

The Ravencrest Chronicles: Wave Two

The next wave of Ravencrest books are coming up in the second half of 2019. Unlike the episodic nature of the first wave – which focused on introducing key characters and the setting – the second wave will be a serialized epic told over the course of four novellas.

A mysterious cult has infiltrated every part of Seahaven, from the most respected nobility all the way down to the dockworker’s guild. Gareth leads the charge in unraveling this dark conspiracy, joined by friends old and new.

Keep an eye out for more information about Midnight Masques, Tapestry of Lies, Cult of the Shadow Queen, and Upon a Black Wing, all coming in 2019!

Night Shift – Coming This Friday

Upcoming Release – Friday October 12, 2018

His first title with Kyanite Publishing LLC, “Night Shift,” is a science fiction story about a detective in the fictional city of New Angeles. Readers familiar with the science fiction subgenre called “cyberpunk” will appreciate the crime-ridden, dystopian setting. “Night Shift” was originally a serialized story Mr. Bass released online. He’s especially fond of serials and novellas that can be collected into longer works because they’re sized for today’s busy audience.

Night shift is available directly from Kyanite Publishing, or on Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.

More information about Night Shift can be found at bkbass.com and Goodreads.

Night Shift - BK Bass - small

In New Angeles, crime is part of the daily business of running the city. But when a routine murder investigation starts turning up more questions than answers, homicide detective Harold Peterson finds himself unraveling a decades-old conspiracy that leads him to the highest echelons of the mob and the city government. As various threads start to come together, the big picture is revealed to be more than he ever bargained for. As bullets start to fly from both directions, the only thing Harold knows for sure is that he isn’t being paid enough to deal with this.

Details about Night Shift

ISBN: 978-1-949645-04-0

Release Date: October 12, 2018

Length: Novella, 72 pages

Price: $2.85

Genres: Science fiction, cyberpunk, dystopian, noir

The Fantasy Genre: Part 2

The second part of our series exploring the fantasy genre is now available!

In this second section of a three-part journey, I’ll be examining each of the major sub-genres of fantasy more closely.  In the first part, we looked at the history and evolution of the fantasy genre as a whole.  This time, we will be focusing more on the content and differences of the four major sub-genres of fantasy literature.  In the third part, we will explore the more niche sub-genres and sub-sub-genres that tackle very specific themes.

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Join me next for part three of The Fantasy Genre, where we will continue to explore the sub-genres of fantasy literature.  This next installment will look at the more specifically defined subgenres such as urban fantasy, flintlock fantasy, and dark fantasy.  See you again soon!

Future Epic Fantasy Project

I have hinted in the past about some epic fantasy brewing in the background.  I’m still in the planning phases, but have a general idea for a concept and have put together an aesthetic that hints at the feel of it.

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The immortals of the faewilde have been waging a war for millenia, and the fallout from this conflict is starting to affect reality as we know it.  One man has the power to end the war.  Can a mortal put an end to a conflict older than memory itself, or is the world doomed to destruction as it is torn asunder by the magic of the fae?